Last CPEDI3* of the Winter Season

I've been trying to write this post for a while now, but after we finished our CPEDI3* at the Adequan Global Dressage Festival on Sunday, March 14th I went for my second dose of my COVID vaccine. Unfortunately I had a violent reaction and after trying to wait it out with a severely high fever that wouldn't break and many other things going on, a visit to the ER, and a nights sleep after too many restless nights, I am finally starting to see color back in my face and feeling a bit more human.
I'm hoping I'll be able to fit some riding in before we head back up to NJ, but for now Taco is in good hands with Lily schooling some upper level movements. It's good for his brain to work on new things and he really enjoys Lily, so it's a win-win. If I have to say I wrapped up my 2021 Winter season in Wellington with our last CPEDI3*, I'll be pretty happy with how it ended!

This CPEDI was a scrunched schedule with the jog and first day of competition all in the same day! Taco was amazing this show. We had some of our best, most harmonious rides ever. I felt like I was more relaxed in the warm up, and don't tell anyone, but that actually carried over to Taco-- surprise, surprise!! He is always super in the show ring, but I felt like we were really working as a team, listening to my half halts, focusing on whether I wanted him to keep the walk slower or more active, and really trying his hardest to not start the leg yields until I said so (he loves to show off how fast he can move over and ignore my aids!! haha)
Thank you to the Dressage Foundation for awarding me a grant to help with training for the month of February before this show. It really helped prepare us and allowed us to work on so many things to improve our scores. In the end we came home with one Blue, and two Red ribbons! I couldn't be more happy with Taco and how we continue to progress. He's really the little horse who constantly tries his heart out for me!
Thanks to Sara Schmitt who constantly pushes me to be a better athlete. When we achieve one goal, she gets more excited and sets even bigger goals for us. There's always something new to strive for which keeps it exciting and fresh.

Thanks to Lily who kept Taco so shiny this show. Look at those photos-- you may need sunglasses!! There were a lot of moving parts and a quick, condensed schedule and she did a great job keeping things on time and having Taco looking primped and ready.
And of course thanks also to Linda and Janice who were there to help as extra hands and cheer me on (and Kai who stepped in on Sunday!). The para shows have a lot going on, with keeping track of timing as far as how long Sara can be on Taco, how long I have to be on, keeping track of all the equipment, where you can be, where you can't be, moving my wheelchair to a safe place, and then bringing it back over when I'm done with my ride, etc. It's always helpful to have extra eyes and hands!
I couldn't do this without all my sponsors, supporters, friends, and family. All the calls, texts, and emails meant a great deal to me! I love that you’re all always supporting me from home since you can’t be here in person.