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Moving Forward

“Horses Lend Us the Wings We Lack”

The last couple weeks have certainly been trying. Recovering from an equestrian vaulting accident has really been tough, physically and emotionally. I am truly thankful that it did not end up worse than it was; the horse stayed still and protected me so I didn’t fall off, but as I know from previous injuries, my body likes to do things in its own ways. Being the go getter than I am, I wanted to get back out to the barn and start riding immediately, but my body was just not ready and I barely even had the energy to get out of bed.

My first day back riding reminded me how much I love this sport. Horses are so healing and bring great motivation to my life. I was never that girl running around in cowboy boots with all my breyer horses when I was younger. I knew nothing about horses! They only came into my life at a time when I needed them the most, a time when I was so weak and sick that my physical therapist was actually scared to put me on one. I just knew that this was the one thing that was somehow going to help me; so I didn’t back down. From the first day I was paired up with Lusco, something changed within me.

These last couple weeks not riding, and not even spending much time at the barn, have shown me how important horses are in my life. Even with this bump in the road (and now the scorching heat wave!), I know I will get back out there even stronger and more determined than ever. Zotti will be waiting for me with his loving eyes and ready to give kisses, as if I was never away.


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