Grateful in the New Year
We’re coming up on the New Year and we often talk about creating resolutions, but the other day I put up my Facebook “Year” and it was interesting to see all the things that have gone on throughout the year, the people I’ve met, and accomplishments I’ve achieved. I’ve come a long way from where I was even two or three years ago. It’s amazing to think that a little over a year ago I could barely push my own wheelchair and didn’t have the stamina to go out an entire day.

I never could have gotten this far without all the support and help of my family and friends. I’m fortunate to come from a loving family. My brother and I have two amazing parents whose love cannot be quantified or contained. They go to the ends of the earth to support us in whatever we do. My brother and sister-in-law, though they live on the opposite coast, are always there to check in on me and all my achievements. My brother even rearranged his work schedule a few years back to help so my parents could travel with me to the hospital.

That also goes for my circle of friends, some of whom I’ve grown up with since I was young. I consider them family and they have always been there through the ups and downs.

Instead of making resolutions for 2015, I’d like to say how grateful I am for all these people in my life. I’m looking forward to an even more fruitful and joyous New Year!