Working on Whips

It's been a while since I've updated everyone. Since I've been back from the Symposium, I've been really focused on trying to figure out what aids I need and how to make them work. My biggest challenge has been trying to figure out how to get whips to work for me. I don't have any use of my hands to grip or hold on to things so it makes it a little more of a challenge to hold the whips-- though not impossible! I reached out to some people in my community who may know some specialized grips, OT's, etc. who would be up for the challenge to help me. I've had an idea of how to make it work, but actually putting the plan into action was a different story. A couple people recommended these things called EaZyHolds ( Andrew Skinner, who heads up the Triumph Foundation (, a local nonprofit with the mission to help individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries to triumph over their disability and to inspire them to keep moving forward with their lives by pushing themselves to get better every day, had a pack of the grips and let me try them out. Lehua, my trainer, and I tried using one on a whip on my right hand the first day and it actually stayed on! Zotti also had an immediate reaction. It was amazing! I e-mailed the people who make the EazyHold and they were so responsive! I got in touch with Kerry who is one of the three sisters who originally came up with the design for the grips. It turns out she is an equestrian and was eager to help. She actually came to the barn a few days later with brand new EazyHold's in black that she had just made up over the weekend! She watched my hand/wrist movements to see how she could improve the position of the grip and the whip. I'm really impressed with the generosity of people and the time they are willing to take to help. Please, take a moment to check out their website: . It's a great product for people with limited or no grip strength and wonderful people behind the product! Thank you again for all your support and sharing. To Lehua, who has taught me so much and puts up with my craziness each week. Mike and Alison Box who deal with my exploding tires. Everyone at Supracor for my cushi-ness and at Spinergy for my wheels. My CAF family for getting me out there. And my family and friends who give me nonstop suport and love.