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HelpHOPELive is a nonprofit fundraising solution for you, a friend or a loved one in need of help with medical bills.

For more than 30 years HelpHOPELive has been showing community fundraising volunteers how to bring together a network of relatives, friends and neighbors in fundraising efforts to help cover the costs of uninsured medical expenses. These efforts play a critical role in helping patients recover and maintain their health and independence.

Since 1983, HelpHOPELive has helped thousands of people raise millions of dollars to cover a wide range of medical expenses including out-of-pocket costs for transplants, catastrophic injuries and illnesses.

Recently they have launched the HelpHOPELive blog! The blog serves as an essential resource with expert perspectives on important issues and updates. I was contacted to talk about how hippotherapy and equestrian sports have played a role in my life. I was honored to share this love of mine and hope to encourage others to get up, active, and involved.


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